Treatments and Injections
Is it time for a routine annual immunization or just a Vitamin B-12 injection to boost your immunity? Have you had a minor injury that requires suturing and laceration treatment? Your child’s team was winning but now your on the sideline discussing injury treatment options. Is it just a sprain or strains or strain or do you possibly have a fracture?
We can treat your minor injuries with kindness and compassion. Hometown quality medical care serving Collierville and the surrounding communities.
We treat routine cuts, bruises and infections and offer a variety of injections.
- Suturing and Laceration treatments
- Minor Cuts & Bruises
- Abscess Draining
- Dressing changes
- Injections
- Flu Shots starting at 6 months of age
- Hepatitis B series
- Tetanus
- TB testing
- B-12 injections
- Lipo/B-12 injections
- Lipo
- Allergy Shots (provided from an allergist)
- Depo Shot
- Foreign Body Removal
- Ear Washes
- Wound care
- Digital X-rays
- Joint Pain
- Sports injuries
- Sprains and Broken Bones